
ScoMo-No! The Awkward Alliance

ScoMo, Prime Minister of Australia, has brought the country into an new awkward alliance.  Here is a review of the before and after situation, and an alternative approach.

Before the awkward alliance  

Australia had ..

- $90B worth of conventional submarines on the way

- An easy option to convert these to nuclear powered submarines

- A positive alliance with France

- A neutral relationship with the EU

- A warm but frustrated grin from regional partners

- A never-ending alliance with the UK

- A low hum from China

- Its strongest alliance with the US

After the awkward alliance  

Australia has ..

- a vague possibility of a some nuclear powered submarines at indeterminate cost at an indeterminate time

- a less vague possibility of hiring some submarines from the US

- a real possibility of more US submarines in Australian waters.

- Stuff all relationship with France

- A "bad global citizen" badge from the EU

- A audible grumble from regional partners

- A never-ending alliance with the UK

- A low growl from China

- An explicit vassal relationship with the US

With less weapons and less allies, Australia's national security is threatened, rather than weakened, by the alliance.  Australia already saw the US and UK as our greatest allies.  The alliance just gave away the freedom that surrounded those relationships.  It gave away the sovereign right to do what is in our national interest.

To reinforce the value that we place on our relationship with the US and UK we could simply and loudly adopted their stance on climate change.  That would have been good for us as well!  Now that bloke from Down Under has wrapped us even more tightly around the little finger of Uncle Sam.

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