
Integral Mission

Integral Mission, Wholistic Mission, Holistic(!) Mission, sometimes Incarnational Mission - how can we define it.

It is integral in that it sees people as integrated beings - a spirits, bodies, minds, social being all intertwined. Thus it is not only words and "spiritual things" that are the stuff of mission. Or perhaps better - every action is spiritual.

It is integral in that it sees all of God's creation as the object of redemption. Not just people individually but collectively, and the whole of the created order with them.

The most common objection is that a broad vision includes doing and being and we fear that the name of Jesus may not be mentioned. If the authentic Jesus is behind our doing and being, and indeed our saying, that will come out.

The problem behind this question is seeing the task of mission as giving a clear presentation of the gospel - but explanations and theories are cheap and plentiful in our world. The missionary task is to be a convincing demonstration - something that attracts and that people will want to emulate and follow.

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