
Note: Church

The traditional "Notes" of the church are generally seen as:

Faith: Acts 2:44
Fellowship: Rm 12:1-5
Unity: Act 15:6 Eph 4:3,13
Consecration: 1 Pet 2:9
Power: Matt 18:19 Act 15:4

We had a crack at this the other night and came up with something - dare we say it - a little more alive:

Shared relationships: A network of close relationships that boths supports and challenges its members.
Share experience of faith: Each member has a decsive experience of God which gives the group a shared foundation.
Shared understanding of faith: Commone core convictions that are focused enough to enable people to move forward together and which allow and value a healthy breadth of views.
Shared Mission: Not just a conviction that mission is critical but a definable shape of local mission that the group can participate in together.
Shared resources: A commitment to share the resources that the group has to facilitate its life and mission.

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